Thursday 6 March 2014

Minutes Of The General Meeting Of The Lyme Regis Branch. Held At The Woodmead Halls, Lyme Regis, Thursday The 6th March At 19:00 Hrs.

Minutes Of The General Meeting Of The Lyme Regis Branch.Held At The Woodmead Halls, Lyme Regis,
Thursday The 6th March At 19:00 Hrs.


Mr Cecil Quick
Mr Ken Whetlor
Mr David Manners
Vice Chairman
Mr Martin Jones
Honorary Treasurer
Mr David Humphrey
Membership Secretary
Lt Col Ross Bennett
Welfare Chairman
Mrs Sylvia Marler
Poppy Appeal Organiser
Mrs Angela Manners.
Mr Kevin Taylor
Mr Peter Ward

01. Exhortation:

The President

02. Apologies and Absentees

Mr Tony Smith
Honorary Secretary

Mrs Jacqueline Ward
Mrs Ania Driver
Welfare Secretary

Mr Jon Hunt
Member/Std Bearer

03. Minutes of the Last Meeting:

The Minutes of the last Meeting held on the 2nd of January 2014 were agreed as a true record and signed by The Chairman.
Proposed: Ross Bennett
Seconded: Peter Ward
Carried: Unanimously.

04. Matters Arising:


Approximately seven people would be required to run this event. Owing to Licence permissions it was decided to abandon the idea.

05. Additions to the Agenda.


06. Chairman’s Report.


07. Vice Chairman’s Report.

The taxi service is cancelled with immediate effect.

LRTC will be approached regarding the cleaning of The War Memorial.

There will be a Civic night on the 29th of March; £19.50 a head. Anyone wishing to attend should forward their names.

There will be a Quiz Night on the 21st  of May 2014, at 19:30 hours in the Nag's Head.

The County Committee are keen to hold their Meetings at divers Branches throughout the year. This Branch would be happy host the Meeting on Wednesday the 10th of September 2014. The Woodmead Hall has been booked by David Humphrey. A letter will be sent to The County Chairman.

Proposed: David Manners      Seconded: Peter Ward
For: 8     Against: 0   Abstained:  David Humphrey   Motion Carried.
The hosting of The Poppy Appeal Seminar in July 2015 will be discussed at a later date.

08. Honorary Secretary’s Report.

Not Present.

09. Honorary Treasurer’s Report:

Last Report
This Report

02 Jan 2014
06 Mar 2014
The Branch holds
Current Account

Branch Funds at Head Office

Note:   £814.00 was taken from The Head Office Account on the 21st of February 2014 to pay our Membership Subscriptions.

10. Welfare Chairman’s Report.

No new cases; visits continue.

11. Welfare Secretary’s Report.


12. Poppy Appeal Organiser’s Report.

Prizes are requested for the Coffee Morning to be held on the 17th of May 2014,  from 10:00 hours to 12:00 hours at The Pilot Boat.

13. Membership Secretary's Report:

The membership now stands at  155  Members:
102  Pay by Direct Debit
48 Pay by Cash
2 are Life Members.
3 are Youth Members.

You all may have noticed the Legion notice board is missing from the Royal Lion wall. We now have a new board and I am in the process of varnishing it, and hope to have it back in place by the end of March.

14. Standard Bearer’s Activities:


Kevin Taylor is to investigate the cost of a Union Standard for our Branch.

15. Future Meetings:

The next General Committee Meeting will be held at 19:00hours, in The Woodmead Halls, on the Thursday the 1st of May 2014.
(Ian Jarvis from The County Committee has been invited to this meeting.)

Meeting Closed: at 19:40 hours.

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