Tuesday 8 April 2014

Minutes Of The Extraordinary General Meeting Of The Lyme Regis Branch. Held At The Nag's Head, Lyme Regis, Tuesday The 8th April At 19:00 Hrs.

Minutes Of The Extraordinary General Meeting Of The Lyme Regis Branch.
Held At The Nag's Head, Lyme Regis,
Tuesday The 8th April  At 19:00 Hrs.


Mr Ken Whetlor
Mr Tony Smith
Honorary Secretary
Mr Martin Jones
Honorary Treasurer
Mr David Humphrey
Membership Secretary
Mrs Ania Driver
Welfare Secretary
Mrs Sylvia Marler
Poppy Appeal Organiser
Mrs Angela Manners.
Mr Peter Ward
Mrs Jacqueline Ward


The Chairman.


Closure of the HSBC Bank Account and choosing a new bank.

The Honorary Treasurer.

Martin explained that The HSBC is to close the Lyme Regis Branch.

There are two alternatives:
1. To move the account to Bridport.
2. To open an account with another bank in Lyme Regis.

Martin advocated that we should open an account with The NatWest in Lyme Regis. This bank is preferred to Lloyd's, The RBL bankers, as Martin had a bad experience, at County, negotiating with this bank.

A resolution, from The NatWest, was read out and a copy is with The Treasurer if required.

The proposal is for our Branch to open an account with The NatWest in Lyme Regis.
Proposed: Mr Martin Jones         Seconded: Mrs Ania Driver          Passed: Unanimously.

It was agreed that the signatories should be:
Martin Jones; Tony Smith; Ania Driver; and Ken Whetlor.

The Meeting closed at 19:21 hours.

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