Sunday 26 October 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 4th September 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 4th September 2008 at The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis, commencing 19:00 hrs.

(These minutes have been edited to protect the privacy of members and beneficiaries. A full copy is available to members on request from the Secretary

Present: Mr C Quick, President; Mr K Whetlor, Chairman; Lt Col R Bennett , Vice Chairman; Mr M Jones, Treasurer; Mr W Reed, Welfare Secretary; Mr D Humphrey, Membership Secretary; Mrs A Manners, Poppy Organiser; Mr D Manners, Events Organiser; Mr K Austin; Mr E Bignall; Mrs A Driver; Mr N Hampton-Rumbold; Mr M Lloyd.
Branch Members: Lt Col Taggart, Mr T Rice, Mr J Gratton, Mr J Baddeley.

1) Apologies: Mr M Kirkby, Secretary; Rev J Harrisson.
The Membership Secretary asked those present to remember Albert Curtis a young Lyme Regis man from the Dorset Regiment, who laid down his life this day in 1915 after being wounded at Gallipoli and is buried in the Pieta Military Cemetery Malta

2) Exhortation: The President

3) Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 3rd July 2008. The Minutes were presented on the night agreed as a true record and signed by The President.

4) Matters Arising: None

5) Chairman’s Report: A letter has been received from Mrs Diana Cross from Flat 2 Coverdale voicing her support for the branch funds initiative providing the money can be accessed within the four days stated by Pall Mall.The Chairman also has received a letter from the National Vice President outlining the start of the campaign “Return To Rationing” beginning 1st October 2008.

6) Secretary’s Report: The following was read out by the Membership Secretary in the secretary’s absence: "I acquired a copy of the Branch Model By-laws recently as I had discovered that these should form the template for the branch’s own by-laws that I will be updating. These by-laws are based on the contents of the Royal Charter and I discovered at the County seminar that these will be amended and should be available by October. Once I have been able to study the changes I will be in a position to draft a copy of the new branch rules for approval by the Branch and County.I have placed a folder, containing information on the Branch, in the Lyme Regis Library and will keep it updated on a regular basis.There is a copy of the current Branch By-laws as well as a copy of the Royal Charter in the folder for those who don’t have a copy".

7) Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer began by describing the background behind the Branch Funds Initiative and the way that the Lyme Regis Branch invests funds. He felt that the scheme was good for the Legion overall but that Lyme Regis Branch may receive less interest from it than at present. A letter detailing this has been sent to all members. Members were concerned that there would be a loss of local control of funds raised by the branch but the Treasurer assured them that this would not be the case. The branch would still have access to its own funds. Another concern was that money raised by the Branch would be given to other branches but the Board of Trustees have stated that this will not happen. Money deposited in the name of Lyme Regis Branch would only be available to Lyme Regis Branch and nobody else. The Branch Funds Initiative will still begin on 1st October but on a voluntary basis for the time being. The Treasurer has written a letter to the County Treasurer expressing concerns about the Branch Funds Initiative and how Lyme Regis achieves a better return on its investment than that proposed.

8) Membership Report: Despite the sad loss of another member, Mr James Hogg, the membership has risen from 130 to 134.
47 members pay by Direct Debit
80 are cash.
There are 2 Life Members and 5 are excused payment.
The Membership secretary passed an envelope to the Treasurer containing the proceeds of a collection held in the Volunteer Inn following the funeral of Major Buckland.

9) Welfare Secretary’s Report: No money has been received since the last meeting.
£44.40 has been paid to the Taxi service. The Taxi service has cost £374.50 this year.
There is £18.78 remaining in the Welfare account.
£100 was requested from the Treasurer to replenish the Welfare account.

10) Poppy Organiser’s Report: The Poppy organiser was unable to attend the County’s Poppy Organiser event held on the 16th September.
A request to the Town Council has been made for the removal of the crosses and wreaths from the War memorial. The wreaths at the Polish memorial have already been removed.
West Dorset District Council has sent the licence for the Poppy collection. The collection boxes at commercial premises will be displayed between 25th October and 10th November 2008. The street collections will be held on 31st October and 1st November.

11) Events Organiser’s Report: The barbeque took place on 5th August at the Nag’s Head. It was not a fund raising event and costs were met by those attending and the generosity of the Landlord.
Forthcoming Events:
Festival of Remembrance, 26th October at 19:30 in the Marine Theatre.
Remembrance ceremony at the Formidable War grave, 8th November at 10:30 followed by the laying of the wreath on the Polish Airmen’s memorial in Anning road at 11:00. The meeting place for the Formidable ceremony will be in the cemetery just above the Kingsway entrance.
Mrs Driver commented that she would ask Mrs Lavery if she would like her to speak on her behalf at the Polish memorial.
The Remembrance Day Parade will be held on 9th November, leaving Langmoor Gardens at 14:30.
The Two minutes silence will be held at the Cat’s Park memorial on Tuesday 11th November at 11:00. Those attending should aim to get there in plenty of time.

12) Standard Bearer’s Report: None.The question of changing the Standard bearer from a Committee member to an appointed post was raised. The Chairman has not managed to contact the Standard Bearer but both the Membership Secretary and the Secretary have spoken with him and he was happy to go with the Committee decision.
Proposal. To Discuss at the AGM, changing the post of Standard Bearer from Committee Member to an appointed post in accordance with Branch Model Bye-laws November – 2007:
Proposed: Chairman
Seconded: Welfare Secretary

13) Order a stock of Legion Membership Badges to be issued to new members on joining. (Royal Charter – Rule 48):The membership Secretary proposed that the Treasurer purchase and hold 20 Legion Membership badges at a cost of £69.15 (inc p&p). The badges will be offered to members at a cost of £5.00 each making an overall profit of £30.85 to assist in administration costs for the branch. The Events organiser seconded the proposal. There were no objections.

14) Discuss the arrangements for reviewing the status of Excused Payment Members: The Membership Secretary reminded the Committee that excused members cost the branch £55.00 per year and as the Branch does not have an administration surcharge that sum is lost each year. He asked that the Welfare Committee review the arrangements for eligibility of excused payment status before the end of October. The Committee were aware that such a discussion was not proper for a general Committee meeting as confidentiality of beneficiaries had to be maintained. The Membership Secretary agreed with this but had raised the subject so that the Welfare Committee would consider it when they next met.

15) Recommend that the Branch make a donation to the Lyme Regis Town Band’s “Name removed for privacy reasons” Benefit Concert which is due to take place on 27th September at 19:30 hours:
Proposed by the Secretary.
The Committee felt that this shouldn’t be discussed at an open meeting as it was a welfare decision. The Membership Secretary pointed out that the concert was already public knowledge as it had been published in a newspaper article. The President and the Welfare Secretary both stated that such a donation would be illegal. The Vice chairman asked for clarification about the person being debated. This was given by the Membership Secretary from the Secretary’s Report.The Secretary had also asked that all branch members be encouraged to attend the concert to ensure its success.
Further investigation required.

16) Newsletter Update: The Treasurer proposed a newsletter to be published 3 times a year and distributed to all members. An example was displayed to the Committee. It will be published on 2 sheets of A4, printed on both sides. The first issue will be published as soon as possible.
Proposed: Treasurer
seconded: Events Organiser
The Treasurer also mentioned that he would like to see regular monthly get togethers in the Nag’s Head (where the Legion Seal is held), possibly on the first Tuesday of each month. There were no objections to this idea so the dates would be published in the newsletter. The Poppy organiser suggested a book could be held in the Nag’s so that people attending the get togethers could record messages for those absent. The Membership Secretary agreed and informed the meeting that the Secretary had placed a Branch Information pack in the Library and he would suggest to him that the same information be placed in the Nag’s Head.
Mrs Driver asked if there was a remembrance book for local servicemen and women who had died but was informed that the only one in existence was for those who had died in action. This is held in St Michaels Church.

17) Correspondence: The Secretary has written to Bob Emmett for further details about the War Grave tender of Leslie Emmett’s grave. The letter was dated 9th August. To date he has received no reply. He will need further details to complete the application for the Branch Certificate.We received an application for a standard bearer to attend the laying up and rededication ceremony of the Axminster Branch and Women’s Section standards. Unfortunately our standard bearers are both unavailable so the invitation was declined.The Secretary has received a small number of County Handbooks from the County TreasurerA letter has been sent to the son of Major Buckland to thank him for the donation from the church collection at his father’s funeral. A receipt was also sent to Wakely and Sons.

18) AOB:The Membership Secretary requested that the Chairman draws up a 3 year plan prior to the next AGM. Plan to include a review of what we have achieved so far, what we are good at, what we need to improve on and our objectives for the future.The Chairman was willing to produce this.
The Secretary asked when the invitations for the Lyme Regis Festival of Remembrance be will be sent? Will we have a different procedure for entry this year to avoid confusion at the door?
The Events organiser will attend to the invitations. Tickets will be issued with the invitations and they must be produced at the door or the full entrance fee will be requested.
The Welfare Secretary requested that the branch consider recognition for members, who have made contributions to the running of the Legion, in the form of Branch and County certificates.This will be an agenda item at the AGM.
The Membership Secretary requested a date for the AGM.This will be held on Thursday 27th November at 19:00.
The Membership Secretary presented a copy of the Legion Course Dates for 2009.

Meeting Closed: 20:21 hrs.

Please note. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 9th October at 19:00

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 3rd July 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 3rd July at The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis, commencing 19:00 hrs.

(These minutes have been edited to protect the privacy of members and beneficiaries. A full copy is available to members on request from the Secretary

Present: Mr C Quick, President; Mr K Whetlor, Chairman; Mr M Kirkby, Secretary; Mr M Jones, Treasurer; Mr W Reed, Welfare Secretary; Mr D Humphrey, Membership Secretary; Mrs A Manners, Poppy Organiser; Mr D Manners, Events Organiser; Mr K Austin.
Branch Members: Lt Col Taggart and Wing Cdr Orr

1) Apologies: Lt Col R Bennett, Vice Chairman; Rev J Harrisson; Mr N Hampton-Rumbold.

2) Exhortation: The President.
All present were asked to remember, in silence, our former Vice President, Major Stuart Buckland who passed away recently.
Following the Exhortation, the President addressed the meeting with a request that we appoint a new Vice President to succeed Major Buckland. He suggested that Mr W Reed be appointed. This was proposed by the Chairman and agreed unanimously by all present.

3) Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 1st May 2008. The Minutes were presented on the night agreed as a true record and signed by The President.

4) Matters Arising: None

5) Chairman’s Report: None

6) Secretary’s Report: The National Branch Management Course, at Bracknell, was attended by both the Secretary and the Membership Secretary between 20th and 22nd June 2008. Both found the course extremely useful and interesting and strongly recommend that more Committee members attend future courses as they become available.

7) Treasurer’s Report: The Welfare Secretary requested another £100.

8) Membership Report: despite the sad loss of Major Buckland, membership has increased from 129 to 130 Members.
43 members pay by Direct Debit
79 are cash.
There are 2 Life Members and 6 Excused payment.

9) Welfare Secretary’s Report: (Edited)The Welfare fund statement was given to the Committee.
One Beneficiary received a petrol allowance.
The invoice for the Taxi Service has been received.
The welfare Secretary requested an additional amount for the Welfare Fund from the Treasurer.

10) Poppy Organiser’s Report: The Poppy Appeal National total for 2007/2008 has been confirmed to be in excess of £30,000,000. Lyme Regis Branch has contributed £5906 to that total, compared with £4415 for the previous year.
The Poppy Appeal Organiser requested that the minutes show that the “men’s section” had not made a donation to last years appeal but would be expected to do so this year.
The 2008/2009 appeal starts early this year with shop collections between 25th October and 10th November. The Street Collection has been booked for 31st October and 1st November.
A new addition to the poppy range is a self adhesive poppy which should be available in limited amounts this year. This is not to be confused with the peel off labels that are usually given to children.
The raffle on Veterans night raised a total of £47.80 once the cost of prizes (£26.43) had been deducted.
The Poppy Appeal Organiser informed the Committee that the Secretary had located some blank cards with Legion logos available through Supply Lines. She asked that the Secretary order 50 to be sent to hospital patients when required. Action: Secretary.
The Membership Secretary queried the dates allowed for Poppy sales, reminding the Committee that the Legions Closed period (where all donations to the Legion are automatically given to the Poppy Appeal) runs from 14th October to 14th November. The Poppy Appeal Organiser replied that the rules were local rules applied by the District Council so as not to clash with other charities collections.

11) Events Organiser’s Report: The Veterans evening on the 26th June was a success although areas for improvement have been noted by the Events Organiser. There were approximately 50 people in attendance. The Events Organiser is committed to ensuring that Veterans Day events should not take on a memorial role as has been seen on some of the national news coverage. It should instead be a celebration by surviving Veterans as the Veterans Agency intended it to be.
Tuesday 5th August is the Barbeque Evening to be held at The Nag’s Head at 19:00 Hrs. The landlord is supplying the food but donations will be sought from those attending.

12) Standard Bearer’s Report: None. Absent

13) Branch Funds Initiative: The Secretary referred to the letter from Head Office entitled “Branch Funds –The Way Forward” and other documents published with the Agenda.
October 2008 is the date set by the Board of Trustees for Branch Funds to be transferred to a central account system. Branches will be allowed to hold up to £1000, an increase on the previous proposal which would have only allowed £200 to be held by each Branch. Anything above that is to be transferred to the central account where it will earn interest at the Bank of England Base Rate. The amount of money deposited by Branches will still be available for use by the branch for any purpose permitted by the Royal Charter.
At this year’s Annual Conference delegates voted to urge the Board of Trustees to rescind this decision however the Board is not legally bound to obey that instruction. It is unclear at present what action Branches should take however, the Secretary reminded the Committee that whatever Lyme Regis Branch decide they should bear in mind that any money collected by the Branch is public money donated for the use of beneficiaries in accordance with the objects of the Royal Charter.
The Events Organiser commented that the RNLI conducted a similar exercise to centralise funding and despite initial resistance the system is now running very well.The Welfare Secretary asked if Head Office had access to individual Branch Accounts but the Secretary replied that Head Office would only administer the account and would not have authority to draw on the funds or allocate them to another Branch.The Membership Secretary mentioned that although some Branches manage their funds well others were quite content to deposit funds into a low earning savings account and this was costing the Legion more than £500000 in lost interest.
The Treasurer stated that our Branch Funds could not be transferred at present as there is a minimum investment period before the money could be withdrawn from its existing account. The Secretary replied that branches can make a request to hold in excess of £1000 and this would be a valid reason. The Membership Secretary drew attention to the fact that the central fund would be available for use almost immediately which is better for our beneficiaries.
The Welfare Secretary asked if money would still be available to him as it is at present. The Secretary replied that so long as money was being used in accordance with the Objects in the Charter then there shouldn’t be a problem.
The Secretary had e-mailed Head Office to enquire what would contingency plan had been made in the, albeit, unlikely event of a Bank failure and had received the reply that the funds although administered centrally would be spread around the four major banks to minimise risk. The credit rating of these banks is only slightly less than that of the Government.The Committee decided to await further instruction from County and Head office before committing the funds to the Central account.

14) The Future of the Western Area Group: The Chairman hasn’t heard from the President of the group for approximately 2 years. He has had discussions with the Treasurer of the group and it was decided that the funds held by the group be donated to the County fund. The Group has not been closed yet but each Branch should be asked whether to continue with the group or request to County that it be closed.
The Membership Secretary asked what the purpose of the group was and the Chairman replied that he felt that it was formed with the purpose of one day becoming a Branch if individual branches became too small.
The Committee recommended that the Western Area Group be disbanded. The Chairman will inform other members of the group of Lyme Regis Branch’s decision. Action: Chairman

15) Discuss changing the post of Standard Bearer from Committee Member to an appointed post in accordance with Branch Model Bye-laws November – 2007: The Membership Secretary opened the discussion by assuring the Committee that he fully supported the current Standard Bearer and that what was to follow should not be interpreted as an attempt to remove him.
Under current Branch rules and practice the Standard Bearer is a member of the Committee and is expected to report to the Committee at Branch meetings. Due to the Standard Bearers work commitments this has not been happening and apologies for non attendance have not always been received. The Minutes of any meeting are legal documents and may be audited by County or Head Office and questions may be raised as to why the Standard Bearers report is always left blank. The issue of non attendance also leaves the Standard Bearer in an awkward situation as under current Branch Rule 16 any member of the Committee who absents himself for 3 consecutive meetings without sufficient reason is deemed to have resigned.
The Secretary commented that under the Model By-Laws authorised by the Membership Council the Standard Bearer does not have to be a Committee post but may be appointed by the Committee. He would not have to appear at meetings in person but details of his engagements would be handled by the Events Coordinator. As an interim measure his report could be removed from future agendas until the new Branch Rules have been presented and approved.
The Poppy Appeal Organiser asked if he could still be sent minutes of meetings so that he would know what events he would need to appear at. The Secretary assured that he would still continue to send the minutes to him.
The Chairman was concerned that the Standard Bearer might feel that he had a suffered a loss of status by not being a Committee member and wished to speak to him personally to gauge his reaction before any further decision was made. The Secretary stressed that there was no intention that the importance of the Standard Bearers position was in any way reduced by this but it would ensure that the Standard Bearer could continue doing the job he does best without the hassle of attending meetings. In any case the decision to change the post would not take place until the new Rules were agreed, probably at the next AGM. The immediate concern was to remove the need for a report at Committee meetings.The Chairman proposed that this be postponed until the next meeting to allow for consultation and that the full proposal to change the Standard Bearers post to an appointed position be carried to the next AGM.
Action: Chairman, to discuss this item with the Standard Bearer.

16) Correspondence: Royal British Legion Industries Price List. The administration forms have now been moved to the Poppy Appeals department and requests for replacement literature should now be made to them.
Legion NewsletterBranch Funds Initiative – The Way Forward, explains how the Centralisation of Branch Funds will be managed.
Remembrance Weekend Special Circular, contains dates and timings for buying tickets for the Annual Festival of Remembrance at the Albert Hall.2007 Royal British Legion Annual Accounts.
Dorset County Newsletter
Follow in their Footsteps and A Trip to Remember, Legion Travel information containing details of battlefield tours for this year including educational tours for schools.

17) AOB: The President presented a request from Mr Bob Emmett to grant some form of official thanks or recognition to the person who tends his brother’s grave in The Netherlands. The President suggested a Branch Certificate of Appreciation might be appropriate.
The Secretary added that he had spoken to the County Chairman and had been told to complete the citation form requesting such a certificate. Action: Secretary
The Events Organiser reminded the Committee that the Lyme Regis Festival of Remembrance would take place on Sunday 26th October 2008.
Wing Cdr Orr mentioned that there had not been sufficient advertising of the Veterans Day event. The Events Organiser replied that details had been posted around the town, on the notice board, the web site and in the local newspaper. The Membership Secretary added we might be able to request an entry in the Parish magazine to publicise future events. The Events Organiser explained that to advertise events in the local newspaper cost money unless it was reported as a news article in which case it was subject to editorial control and not guaranteed to appear. The Secretary also suggested that a folder could be placed in the library and items of interest added on a regular basis.

Meeting Closed: 20:03hrs.

Please note. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 4th September 2008 at 19:00

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 1st May 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 1st May 2008 at The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis, commencing 19:00hrs.

(These minutes have been edited to protect the privacy of members and beneficiaries. A full copy is available to members on request from the Secretary)

Present: Mr C. Quick, President; Mr K. Whetlor, Chairman; Lt Col R Bennett , Vice Chairman; Mr M. Kirkby, Secretary; Mr M Jones, Treasurer; Mr D. Humphrey, Membership Secretary; Mrs A Manners, Poppy Organiser; Mr D. Manners, Events Organiser; Mr K Austin; Mr E. Bignall; Mrs A Driver; Mr M Lloyd.Branch Members: Lt Col Taggart and Wing Cdr Orr

1) Exhortation: The President

2) Apologies: Mr W Reed, Rev John Harrisson, Mr N Hampton Rumbold

3) Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 6th March 2008. The Minutes were presented on the night agreed as a true record and signed by The President.

4) Matters Arising: None

5) Chairman’s Report: The Chairman has been recovering from an operation and so has nothing to report.

6) Secretary’s Report: The Secretary reminded the Committee that the Branch had agreed to send a donation to the County Fund. All agreed that a cheque for £50 would be sent. Action: Treasurer.The Secretary has written a short newsletter which was shown to all present. He will ask the Town Library staff if they will display it on their notice board.

7) Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer thanked the Vice Chairman for deputising for him in his absence.A copy of the latest accounts sheet was shown to the Committee and will also be attached to the minutes.The Treasurer is aware that the Welfare Secretary requires more funds. The Chairman stated that the Welfare Secretary had requested £100.
The Treasurer asked the Committee if the meetings ever exceeded 1 hour as at present we are paying £17 for 2 hours use of the Woodmead Hall and a potential saving to the branch could be made if we were to only book the hall for 1 hour. Mrs Driver asked if the rate was higher in the evening as she had been charged less than the rate that we were paying. The Treasurer will make further enquiries.
Action: Treasurer
Whilst on holiday the Treasurer had been able to visit a couple of War Grave sites and had placed a cross on the grave of Mr Curtis in Malta as well as placing a wreath on the memorial at El Alemein.

8) Membership Report: The Membership Secretary reported that Col David Fenner died on 10th April.
There are 129 members.
79 are cash subscribers
42 pay by Direct Debit
6 members are excused payment
2 are Life Members

9) Welfare Report: None

10) Poppy Organiser’s Report: The Carnival Committee Fete will be held on Sunday 4th May at 13:45 in the playing field at Anning Road. The branch will have a stall there. There will be no tombola this year but there will be a nail game, where a player pays to draw a nail from a board. Some nails are coloured with the colour corresponding to a cash prize. There will also be a dice game and Remembrance Mints will be on sale. The weather is forecast to be changeable on the day and in the event of rain the stall will be cancelled.
(Edited) A discussion on remembrance day wreaths took place with the emphasis on obtaining prompt payment from organisations and individuals.

11) Events Organiser’s Report: The Quiz night will take place on Monday 19th May at the Woodmead Hall at 19:30. Six teams have already agreed to take part including last years winners. Entrants will be able to use the bar.
The Lyme Regis Festival of Remembrance will take place at the Marine Theatre on Sunday 26th October. Other venues and dates were discussed but the Committee agreed that the Marine Theatre offered the best facilities for hosting the event and the 26th October would allow more standard bearers to attend.
The idea for a sponsored walk for Veterans Day was dropped due to tidal restrictions on that weekend. The Membership Secretary proposed that a social evening be held in the Pilot Boat skittle alley. This would be open to all ex servicemen and families. The Committee agreed that this event will be held on 27th June subject to the Pilot Boat being available for use, and cost. Further details will be published nearer the date.
Action: Events Organiser
The Polish Airmen’s Memorial will start to look scruffy now that the daffodil season is ending. The Events Coordinator will ask Magna Housing if it is permissible for the Branch to cut the daffodils back once flowering has finished. The Secretary asked when the wreaths are removed and was informed that they are normally removed around August to September.
Action: Events Organiser
The proposed trip to the National Memorial Arboretum will not take place as the organisers wished to have a three day trip at a cost in excess of £190 per person. The Secretary informed the Committee that he had been in contact with the Chairman of Kilmington Branch who also wished to arrange a trip to the National Memorial. He thought that it might be a good idea to contact Kilmington Branch and possibly other neighbouring branches to explore the possibility of a joint trip. The Events Organiser agreed to liaise with Kilmington Branch.
Action: Events Organiser
The Secretary reported that he would be going to the monthly Legion get together evening at Kilmington on 2nd May. He thought that it could be something that Lyme may be able to hold for its members. The Events Organiser thought it would be a good idea and would investigate further.

12) Standard Bearer’s Report: None, AbsentThe Deputy Standard Bearer was thanked by the Committee for his debut appearance at the Blessing of the Boats ceremony on 27th April.

13) Correspondence: Final Agenda and Standing Orders for Annual Conference.
May County Newsletter.
Application form for County Branch Seminar.

14) AOB: The President read from an invitation to join the Civic Parade and Service on Sunday 8th june 2008 at 09:30. The Committee agreed to send representatives including a Standard Bearer. The Secretary will send a reply.
Action: Secretary
The Secretary reminded the Committee, for the benefit of the Treasurer, that the next AGM would be held in October this year.
The Poppy Organiser has found a supply of cards that would be suitable for sending to hospital patients. The cost is between £1.20 and £1.80 each and she estimated that we would only require 10 per year.
Mrs Driver asked if Poppy key rings could be sold to raise funds for the Legion. The Poppy Organiser informed her that they are normally given away or sold with the poppies during Remembrance
The Next Committee Meeting will be held on 3rd July. The Chairman and Vice Chairman gave their apologies in advance.

Meeting Closed: 19:50 hrs.

Please note. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd July 2008 at 19:00 hrs.

Sunday 11 May 2008

Minutes of the Committee Meeting 6th March 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 6th March 2008 at The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis, commencing 19:00 hrs.

(These minutes have been edited to protect the privacy of members and beneficiaries. A full copy is available to members on request from the Secretary)

Present: Mr Mr C. Quick, President; Mr K. Whetlor, Chairman; Mr M. Kirkby, Secretary; Mr D. Humphrey, Membership Secretary; Mrs A Manners, Poppy Organiser; Mr D. Manners, Events Organiser; Mr E. Bignall; Mr K Austin; Mr NHampton Rumbold

Guests: Mr David Light (Guest of Mr Hampton – Rumbold), Mr W Kenely (for presentation of refurbished medals), Wing Cdr Orr and Lt Col Taggart (Branch Members)

1) Apologies: Lt Col R Bennett, Mr W Reed, Mr M Jones

2) Exhortation: The President

3) Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 7th February 2008. The Minutes were presented on the night, agreed as a true record and signed by The President.

4) Matters Arising: Correction to the Poppy Organiser’s report of 10th January 2008. The reason for switching the Poppy Account to Lloyds TSB is a National decision based on a more favourable interest rate.

5) Chairman’s Report: Announcement of the creation of the Branch website.

6) Secretary’s Report: The Secretary and Membership Secretary will be attending a Branch Management Course at Bracknell on 20th June.

7) Treasurer’s Report: (Edited) A statement of the accounts dated 3rd March 2008 was read by the Chairman in the Treasurer’s absence.
Membership Fees were taken from the current account by Headquarters.
The statement of accounts was agreed by those present.

8) Service Secretary’s Report: Absent

9) Membership and Welfare Report: The Membership report for the last meeting should have been 120 members and not 121. The Membership Secretary apologised for the error.
The membership now stands at:
124 Members
78 of these are cash subscriptions
38 Direct Debit
2 Life Members
and 6 are excused payment.
3 of the new members are in the early twenties age group. All four have elected to pay by Direct Debit.

10) Poppy Organiser’s Report: (Edited) The books for the 2007 Poppy Appeal close on 31st May 2008. Two functions precede that; The May Day Fete on 5th May and the Quiz Night on 19th May.

Money for a wreath is still outstanding despite a reminder being given. The Poppy Organiser has to order wreaths for this year and does not wish to exclude any organisation.
The President suggested the branch pay for last year’s wreath and pursues the orgainisation concerned for the outstanding amount. He reminded the Committee that although this particular organisation is usually late with payment they do eventually pay. The Committee agreed to this suggestion but would review the situation if late payment continues.

The Poppy Organiser called for contributions for prizes for the May Day Fete.

11) Events Organiser’s Report: The Events Organiser introduced Mr Bill Kenely. Mr Kenely, an ex Lancashire Fusilier, had been spotted at last years remembrance parade proudly wearing his medals the ribbons of which had decayed over the years. The Events Organiser had arranged for a firm in Sidmouth to restore Mr Kenely’s medals and he was here at the meeting to have them formally re-presented by The President.

The Events Organiser is still keen to arrange a visit to the National Memorial and has received some news from Pip Evans who knows of a coach operator who is planning a tour there, picking up groups from the local area. This may reduce costs to branch members. More information will be sought.

A small sponsored walk, in aid of the branch, is proposed for June/July, dates and route are yet to be decided but it should be no more than 5 miles.

The Events Organiser called for ideas for this years Veteran’s Day on 27th June but noted that as it fell on a Friday it may be difficult for members to take time of work to support it. The Secretary replied that according to the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA), who promote this day, an event may take place on a day close to the actual date. The Events Organiser raised the possibility that the Sponsored walk could be held on or around that date.

Other ideas for events for this year include trips to the Devon and Dorset Regimental Museum at Dorchester and a visit to the Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton.

Sunday 27th April is Rogation Sunday, with the Blessing of the Boats. The Branch normally sends representatives to this event and the Events Organiser will contact the Lifeboat Operations Manager for further details.

The Events Organiser has been contacted by a lady who is corresponding with a former friend of the WWII GI Oscar Wareham. A request for further information, from the Dutch gentleman who tends Oscar’s grave, recently appeared on the blog and in the local press. The Events Organiser now has the telephone number and e-mail address of the friend, who is located in Ohio, and will pass this on.

The Poppy Organiser asked if the cup for the quiz night was still held at the Angel Inn. The Membership Secretary replied that he had rescued the cup from the Angel when the previous landlord left but had returned it following the arrival of the new landlord. The Angel Inn are keen to defend the cup and will be gathering a team to do so.

12) Standard Bearer’s Report: None, absent.

13) Correspondence: None

14) AOB: The President stated that in the past, cards have been sent to people who are in hospital or at home. He was disappointed that this had lapsed. The Committee agreed that this should be reinstated.

The Membership Secretary asked if any progress had been made on the location of the Woodroffe School Memorial Plaque. The Events Organiser has talked with the bursar about this but it is unlikely to be moved from its current position. A school memorial service is held annually and a wreath is laid there so although the plaque is not in the best position it is still being respected. It now has more details including photographs of the fallen and pupils have often been seen reading this. The President was disappointed that it could not be returned to the original Hall but he was informed that this no longer exists, having been converted into offices.

The Secretary has contacted the Charmouth Womens Section Standard bearer, a former work colleague, to explore the possibility of inviting former members of the disbanded Charmouth branch to join this branch.

Meeting Closed: 19:40hrs.

The next meeting being scheduled for 1st May 2008 at 19:00 hrs

Friday 25 April 2008

Royal British Legion Dorset County Newsletter - April 2008

Mrs. Alison Senior - Vice President of Broadstone W.S


As at the 27th March 2008 2,739 Branches and 683 Clubs exist. The forecast for 2016 is that these figures will reduce to 1,600 and 350 respectively. Within the County a number of Branches and Clubs are struggling to survive and an uncomfortable number are under threat of closure or at best amalgamation. It is alarming reading for those of us who care about our organisation and the question most people ask is “why?”. A reduction in our armed forces, a lack of new members and a general feeling that HQ are no longer interested in the survival of unsuccessful clubs, are just some of the answers members may give, but are they correct? As I approach the latter part of my first year as your County Secretary, I believe I have experienced and witnessed enough to form a constructive opinion, some of which might not make for enjoyable reading. However, two further questions are posed; firstly, what are the County doing about it and secondly, what are you, the Branch and Club Officers, doing about it?

To answer the first question, the County have planned two seminars. The first is a Clubs seminar being held at the Verwood New Legion Club on 6th July with 3 guest speakers, Mr John Fincham, the region’s Clubs Business Advisor, Mr James Overy, New Legion Clubs Manager and Mr Alan Batham, Clubs Administration Manager, all of whom have a vast amount of experience and are “straight talkers”; you will certainly get direct answers to any questions you would like to pose. The second seminar is for Branches and will take place at the Bere Regis Club on 12th July with guest speakers Mr Terry Whittles, a member of the Board of Trustees and active in Branch national training, Mr Terry Harker from HQ Finance department (“Why are we only permitted to hold £1,000 at branch level?” I hear you ask) will be in attendance.

The second question is dependent on the amount of interest and experience that exist within the Branch and Club committees.

These seminars are designed to enrich the knowledge of the County’s Branch and Club Officers, so that they may carry out their responsibilities more confidently and with greater success. Ideally the Club Chairman and Secretary should attend the Club Seminar. The Branch Seminar should be attended by at least the Branch Chairman and Secretary but Branch Treasurers and Membership Secretaries would find the day equally useful.

Both seminars are expected to start at 10am and last for approximately 4 hours, with lunch being provided at no cost to the delegate attending. In addition motor mileage allowance has been authorised. Your full support at these seminars is respectfully requested. Please find enclosed an attendance proforma. NIL RETURNS ARE REQUESTED.

It is your County, it is your organisation and together we can make a positive change. Please attend.

Clubs and Individual Members Fined

In two separate instances RBL Clubs were fined recently for offences against the Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965, the Licensing Act 1964 and the Gaming Act 1968.

In the first instance the Club was fined £250 plus £255 costs for failing to submit on time the required returns to the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

In the second instance 11 members of the Committee were fined personally for allowing nonmembers (other than bona fide guests) to use the Club facilities. The fines totalled nearly £3,000 and ranged from £60 to £570 dependent on the individual Committee members ability to pay. The above fines were levied against the individual members of the Committee and cannot be paid from Club funds as this would be contrary to the “Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1955” under which the Club Rules are registered.



We have received many letters from Clubs and non-members trying to gain access to Clubs, about problems encountered at the door of the Club. The persons entitled to use the Club are detailed in the Rules but it may be helpful to display the following notice:-


This is a Private Registered Club and we regret that the law only allows the admittance of Club Members, affiliated Club Members and their “bona fide” guests as defined in the Clubs Registered Rules. If you would like to apply for membership of The Royal British Legion and our Club, please ask for the “Duty Committee Member”."


Changes in the approach of HQ to the Legion in the Community (LIC) events has resulted in the fact that any event held to further LIC is not now required to break even; there is even a facility for County to ‘subsidise’ the costs of staging the event. Each year in April/May the County Officers meet with the Regional Publicity & Recruitiment Officer (RPRO) to discuss the Recruiting/LIC budget and to make a bid for the following Legion year.

To enable the County to make an accurate and valid bid it is important that we are aware of the events proposed by various branches and it would be appreciated if any branch planning to hold a function, be it for LIC or otherwise, let the County Recruiting Officer or County Secretary know.

It would be helpful to know the date, venue, proposed aim of the event, and whether this is an event organised by the Royal British Legion, or the Branch is participating in an event organised by someone else. Many of the events are those, with which the branch will have been involved for many years, and are likely to be held again in subsequent years. As well as possible funding from HO or County for the event, it is also very possible that the county office can help out with promotional items, literature and equipment to help ensure your event is a success and the Legion is shown in the best possible light.

It is appreciated that in many branches, members spend numerous hours and much effort arranging local events. These events are rarely publicised, except, perhaps within the local area. It is sad that all that work is not better appreciated. Send the details of your event to the County office, and the details will be included in the County Newsletter for other branches to see and to perhaps encourage other branches to get involved in LIC.

As well as the RPRO, and County Secretary, the county also has two County Recruiting Offers, all of whom are there to assist you with any advice you should need to organise an event. Please get in touch with County Office if you would like further information.

Drawn at Highcliffe
£10 262 Blandford
£10 181 Christchurch
£10 456 Ferndown Club
£5 495 Rein P Oxford
£5 270 Marnhull
£5 55 Broadstone
£5 327 Hamworthy


President of Marnhull Branch delete Comd P Wardley insert:- Capt D Pender-Cudlip, Cross Tree House, Burton Street, Marnhull, DT10 1PP

The Great Dorset Steam Fair

The County will have a presence at this years show in the form of a recruitment articulated
lorry. The event is held over five days (Wed 27th-Sun 31st Aug) and 4 volunteers per day are required to man the recruiting platform. Entrance tickets and meals will be provided. Anyone interested in assisting should contact the County Secretary soonest.


On the 13th of April WO2 JJ Jarvis will be running the London Marathon on behalf of The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

JJ is currently serving with the Royal Dragoon Guards based in Dorset and is an active member of the Riders Branch. Any person who would like to sponsor JJ should contact him at


Mr Ken Green (Life Membership) and Mr Ian Ewen (Gold Badge) both of Lytchett United Branch will be receiving their awards on Monday 21st April. The event is open to all RBL Members and the presentation is expected to take place at 2100hrs a buffet will be provided.


Weymouth Branch have vacated Legion House and with immediate effect all correspondence to the Branch must be sent to the appropriate addressees as listed in the latest County directory.


Dolphin Stairlifts are looking for a stores person to work in their modern Holes Bay premises. Hours to suit but will be approx 35 hours per week, generous salary. Would suit a mature, cheerful person who is willing to join a happy team.

Further information from Rob or Lin Edwards 01202 669194

Abbotsbury & Portesham RBLWS

Next meeting Monday 14th April at 7.30pm in the Portesham Village Hall. Guest speaker Mr T Toop


Mrs Eve Raymond OBE was one of the founder members of the Wimborne Royal British Legion Women’s Section and was the President of the Dorset RBLWS from 1955 onwards. Mrs Raymond, 86, was National Vice Chairman from 1983 to 1986, National Chairman from 1986 to 1989, and County President until recently. Eve only resigned prior to this years County conference as she felt unable to carry on. The County decided that Eve should be the Patron, an appointment that she was very proud and honoured to hold.

She was always a very active County president and not just a figurehead. Unless she was on holiday or ill she would attend all County Committee meetings, always on hand to give valued advice when needed. She left you in no doubt of her opinions.

As President of our Wimborne WS we have lost a good leader, friend and member, Mrs Raymond was a very generous, active and knowledgeable person.

When she passed away she was the most senior National life Vice President, an honour conferred when they finish the term of office as National Chairman.

Eve will be sorely missed she was an inspiration to the people who knew her.


Of course, it will be remembered that the immediate precursor to the Allied landings was the capture of what was to become known as Pegasus and Horsa Bridge. This was in reality the first part of mainland Europe to be liberated.

To celebrate the 65th anniversary of this momentous event, there will be a sponsored run from Tarrant Rushton to Pegasus Bridge, only on this occasion the transport will be via car ferry instead of Horsa Glider.

The idea of this sponsored run will be to raise £500,00, part of which will be used to fund a perpetual memorial at Pegasus Bridge. Hopefully, there will be surplus monies which will be shared between The Royal British Legion, RAF Benevolent Fund, BLESMA and St Dunstans.

The run will take place from 4th-6th June, 2009, obviously departing from Rushton Tarrant, the airfield from which the tugs and gliders took off.

The Directors, Trustees and Committee of this project are looking for practical support in this venture and sincerely hope that the County of Dorset of The Royal British Legion will be able to offer such assistance, as well as perhaps being able to assist financially by way of donations.

For further information may be obtained from visiting the website

On behalf of the Directors, Trustees and Committee of this project thank you for perhaps taking the time to seek further information on this project.

Owen D Parker.
Project65 Director,
Vice Chairman,
Bedfordshire County.

Any Correspondence relating to this newsletter should be addressed to:

Mr SD Harrison
The Stables
Legion House
Church Lane
Blandford Forum
DT11 7LA
Tel 01258 458202

Saturday 15 March 2008

Minutes of The Committee Meeting 7th February 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 7th February 2008 at The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis, commencing 19:00hrs.

(These minutes have been edited to protect the privacy of members and beneficiaries. A full copy is available to members on request from the Secretary)

Present:Mr C. Quick, President; Mr K. Whetlor, Chairman; Mr M. Kirkby, Secretary; Mr W. Reed, Service Secretary; Mr D. Humphrey, Membership Secretary; Rev J. Harrisson; Mrs A. Driver; Mr E. Bignall; Mr K Austin; Mr M. Webb; Magna Housing.

1. Exhortation: The President.

2. Apologies:Lt Col R. Bennett, Mr M. Jones, Mrs A. Manners, Mr D. Manners, Mr M. Lloyd and Mr N. Hampton-Rumbold.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 10th January 2008.

The Minutes were presented, agreed as a true record and signed by The President.

4. Matters Arising:The re-election of Mr Keith Austin back onto the Committee.
Proposed: The Secretary
Seconded: The Chairman
Agreed by all present.

Processing of foreign coins received.
The Secretary has contacted the County Treasurer. Foreign coins can be sent to County for processing at Headquarters. The Service Secretary enquired about delivery. The Secretary replied that he could deliver them to the County Treasurer personally.
Branch Award Certificate.
Raised by the Membership Secretary. This was not a matter arising so it was postponed for later discussion.

5. Chairman’s Report:
The Chairman announced the creation of the Branch’s blog pages and a forthcoming webpage. The Secretary using his laptop computer demonstrated the blog pages to the Committee. The Internet presence will be used to pass information to branch members and can be viewed by anyone. For those without computers there are publicly accessible computers available at Lyme Net and in the town library.
The web address for the blog is, which also contains links to the other pages. The Chairman and Secretary exercise editorial control.
The Welfare Secretary was concerned that private or financial details would be publicly available but assurance was given by the Chairman that these would be withheld from anything published online.

6. Secretary’s Report: Attached.
When discussing the Youth Affiliation issue, Mrs Driver suggested that talks could be given to secondary school pupils to raise the profile of the Legion with them. The Secretary wished to request assistance from the Events Organiser who teaches at the school and is therefore well known to pupils. Unfortunately the Events Organiser was not available for this meeting.
The President and the Welfare Secretary stated that talks and remembrance events had taken place at the Woodroffe School in the past but had slowly faded over the years. The President was also concerned that the School Roll of Honour had apparently been transferred from its original place in the school hall to a corridor and considered this to be a disgrace to the memory of those who had given so much, many of whom had been former school friends.
All present agreed that Mr Manners be asked to investigate the matters raised. Rev Harrisson asked that this be done in a gentle and discreet manner to avoid confrontation.

Mrs Driver was invited to attend a branch management course if a place could be found on the June course. Details will be forwarded to her in order for her to check her availability.

The Secretary announced that a recent conversation with the County Secretary had revealed that County were discussing plans for some County level training courses. These should take place later this year and details will be confirmed soon.

The Treasurer will be asked to donate £50 to this year’s County Fund.

7. Treasurer’s Report: (Edited) Apology Received.
The Chairman presented copies of the account statements on the Treasurer’s behalf.
Accepted as true statements.
Proposed: The Chairman,
Seconded: The Secretary,
Agreed by those present.

8. Service Secretary’s and Welfare Report: (Edited)
The Service Secretary announced to the Committee that he is no longer allowed to complete the A2001 welfare forms for those requiring assistance, as he is not a trained caseworker despite having done this for many years previously. The amount of assistance that the Branch is authorised to offer on each occasion is limited to a maximum of £30. If a larger sum is required the branch must apply for a trained caseworker from County. The Membership Secretary said that he knew of a trained caseworker and branch member. She is fully qualified, has dealt with mental health workers and is a qualified member of the Institute of Chartered Housing Authorities. She is willing to assist the Service Secretary if her qualifications are acceptable to County. The Service Secretary replied that he thought that she should also be a Committee member to do this but the Membership Secretary stressed that she did not wish to be on the Committee but would be willing to assist the Service Secretary in the areas where he was unqualified.The Membership Secretary will contact Mr Fairman at Blandford to assess if his proposal is acceptable with the Legion.

There are 3 beneficiaries being helped at present.

The Service Secretary reminded the Committee about the availability of the Taxi Service for medical visits. This will be promoted on the web site and a new poster will be posted on the town notice board. The Secretary will arrange this.

Rev Harrisson advised that there is a charity in the town, Lyme Regis Welfare Charity, whose funds were presently underused. The Charity meets twice yearly but modest funds may be applied for at any time. The amounts available are measured in tens of Pounds but could supplement the limited help that the Service Secretary can provide from the Branch Welfare account.

9. Membership Report:
(Edited) There are currently 121 members, 1 has passed away, there are 3 new members and 1 has transferred from Salisbury Branch.34 Members pay by Direct Debit, 78 pay by cash, there are 6 members excused payment and 2 Life members.
The Membership Secretary has received a reminder from the County Secretary that membership fees for cash payers will be deducted from the Branch Account on 1st March 2008.
The Membership Secretary asked what happened to members of disbanded neighbouring branches and whether they should be invited to join this branch. He was aware of two members from Charmouth who were already members of this branch but didn't know if were any more who might be persuaded to join us.
The Secretary will contact Charmouth Women's Section for more information.

10. Poppy Organiser’s Report: Apology received.

11. Events Organiser’s Report: Apology received.

12. Standard Bearer’s Report: Absent

13. Correspondence:County Newsletter, Minutes of the 81st County Conference, County Plan.Some members were not receiving the County Newsletter. The Secretary reminded them that they could ask County to add their names to the mailing list. They could also receive a copy by e-mail if preferred.

Before proceeding to Any Other Business, the Secretary announced that he had been asked to Propose, on behalf of the Poppy Organiser, a change to the frequency of the Committee meetings.The proposal is to hold the meetings on alternate months starting with the March meeting.
Proposed: Poppy Organiser,
Seconded: The Service Secretary.
The Committee retain the right to hold additional meetings if necessary.Agreed by all present.

The Membership Secretary reminded the Chairman that he now wished to discuss the Branch Certificate of Appreciation Award. His proposal is for the award of a Branch Certificate of Appreciation to the Poppy Organiser, Mrs Angela Manners, for her outstanding service and achievements organising the annual Poppy Appeals. He reminded the Committee that for higher awards to be made at County and National level a member must have first been awarded the Branch certificate. The framed certificates are available from County at a cost of £8 and are signed by the County President.
Proposed: Membership Secretary,
seconded: Mrs Ania Driver,Agreed by all present.

14. AOB: (Edited)
The Secretary asked if any thought had been given to ideas for this year’s Veterans Day on the 27th June. He thought it a good opportunity to make a formal presentation of Veterans Badges to those interested and to award the Branch Appreciation Certificate to the Poppy Organiser. The Chairman suggested that it be carried over to the next Agenda for further discussion.The Service Secretary will bring the records of all honours, awarded to Branch members, to the next meeting.

Mr Webb of Magna Housing attended the meeting at the invitation of the Chairman. The Chairman thanked him, on behalf of the Branch, for the new fence that was now in place around the Polish Airmen's Memorial.Mr Webb explained that the fence required no painting as it had been galvanised and the front section of the fence was removable to allow easy access for the laying of wreaths in November.

The Chairman announced that he would be conducting a series of interviews on Lyme Regis Radio, with the residents of Hallets Court and other senior residents of the town. He suggested that he conduct the interviews in the name of The Royal British Legion Lyme Regis Branch Chairman, as those interviewed would have a better understanding of why the interviews were being conducted. There were no objections to him doing this.

The Chairman reported that a recent local newspaper article about the Red Arrows had prompted the Secretary to contact the Red Arrows Public Relations Team in order to clarify the situation regarding fees for displays as he felt the original article might have damaged the reputation of the RAF within the town. He had discovered that the main reason for the Red Arrow's absence in the town this year was their Flight Safety Week, which coincided with that of Lifeboat week, and not a cost issue as was alleged in the original story. The Red Arrows do reserve the right to make a charge towards insurance and accommodation expenses but these are usually waived for Lyme Regis due to their close ties with the Lifeboat. A later article published the Secretary's findings and also mentioned his connection with the Branch.

The Service Secretary enquired about the progress of the Branch Rule amendments. The Secretary replied that he had a draft of the proposed amendments but was postponing the formal presentation of these until he'd discussed some of the changes with the County Secretary. The Secretary is also moving home this month, which will cause some disruption to his communications.

Mr Webb asked the Committee if they would investigate the whereabouts of medals belonging to Mr Kennealy. They had apparently been passed to the Events Organiser who was to arrange for them to be cleaned and remounted.The Secretary will ask for an update from the Events Organiser.

Meeting Closed: 20:27 hrs.

Please note. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 6th March 2008 at 19:00 hrs.

Secretary's Report

1. MOD Defence Discount Scheme

I would like to bring your attention the existence of the MOD Defence Discount Scheme. It is available to any serviceman or veteran of the Armed Forces. It is an online scheme so can only be accessed from the Internet and you do have to register to obtain discounts for goods and services. Internet access is available at the library however and I believe courses are run locally to assist those who have not previously used a computer.

2. County Plan

The 81st Dorset Conference was held on 13th January 2008 and there are a number of issues raised. The details are contained in both the Conference minutes and the County Plan.

a. Youth Affiliations.

The Legion wishes to see the affiliation of local youth organisations and Branches to help raise the profile of the Legion with tomorrow’s adults some of whom will become members of the Armed forces themselves.

b. Training.

Many members including those of us on committees are unaware of the contents of the latest Royal Charter. County wish to see all branch officers trained in their role. They hope that by improving our knowledge we’ll become more confident and therefore more efficient.Courses are run throughout the year. Both Dave Humphrey and I have applied for the Branch Management course in June. If anyone else is interested I will check on the availability of the course for him or her.

c. Membership and Funding

Last year Dorset lost 6% of its membership, twice that of the national figure. County want us to increase our recruitment as well as improve on the retention of existing members. Once again Direct Debit is seen as a way of retaining members. Headquarters claim to have proof of this. Only 25% of members in Dorset pay by Direct Debit and this is reflected at our Branch level.

The General Fund received £430000 from Gift Aid last year but only 1/3rd of the members have signed a Gift Aid declaration. If every tax-paying member had signed the declaration then the General Fund would have received £900000. So if you are a taxpayer please sign the Gift Aid declaration and return it to Legion HQ. The forms are available from me if you haven’t got one.

On a cautionary note; Sherborne Women’s section has recently had to close not because they lacked members but because nobody was willing to take office on the committee. This is a real threat to many of the branches as the age of the membership increases. So we really do need to recruit younger members.

Mr Tuck, the County Treasurer has requested donations to the County Fund if there is a surplus in our Branch funds.

Friday 15 February 2008

Minutes of the Committee Meeting 10th January 2008

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Lyme Regis Branch held on 10th January 2008 at The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis, commencing 19:00hrs.

(These minutes have been edited to protect the privacy of members and beneficiaries. A full copy is available to members on request from the Secretary)

Present: C. Quick, President; K. Whetlor, Chairman; W. Reed, Service Secretary; A. Manners, Poppy Organiser; D. Manners, Events Organiser; M. Kirkby; D Humphrey.

  1. Apologies: M Jones, Treasurer; K Austin.

  2. Exhortation: The President

  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 1st November 2007: The Minutes were presented on the night agreed as a true record and signed by The President.

  4. Matters Arising: None.

  5. Chairman’s Report: Carried forward to the AGM.

  6. Secretary’s Report: Vacancy.

  7. Treasurer’s Report: The Chairman read the Treasurer’s report in his absence. A copy of the report is attached to the minutes of the AGM which was held at the close of the Committee meeting.

  8. Service Secretary’s Report: Included in the Membership and Welfare Report.

  9. Membership and Welfare Report: Welfare: (Edited) The Welfare statement was read and agreed by those present. Payments have been made to the taxi service,the Benevolent Fund,travel allowances and flowers for the church.
    Two beneficiaries have received assistance with the costs of hospital visits. The Service Secretary requested further funding to allow this to continue. Letters of thanks have been received in both cases.
    Membership: Membership as of 31st December 2007 stands at 120. 10 new members have joined the branch and 2 have sadly passed away. There are no outstanding subscriptions.
    The Service Secretary hoped that the new members would wish to take an active role in the running of the Branch.

  10. Poppy Organiser’s Report: (Edited) Expenses incurred by the Poppy Organiser, during the 2007 Poppy Appeal was submitted through the Chairman for payment authorisation by the Committee. Payment was authorised.
    Aylesford requested the dates for the 2008 street collection. A reply was sent on 2
    nd December 2007 stating that they would be held on 31st October and 1st November 2008.
    The Poppy Account will be switched to Lloyds TSB from 10
    th January 2008 to avoid excessive travel. The Paying in Book has been received and the account will gradually be transferred from the existing bank.
    The Poppy Organiser wished to express her gratitude to all those who helped in counting the money from last years Poppy Appeal as it was not a job that could have been done by one person.
    The Service Secretary asked if foreign coins, received in collections, could be made use of. The Poppy Organiser doubted if they could but it was decided to make further enquires at Headquarters.

  11. Events Organiser’s Report: Attached: Diary dates, details of and issues surrounding the proposed visit to the National Memorial Arboretum Staffordshire, and information about medal entitlement requests.
    It was decided to discuss the visit at a later meeting.
    The Events Organiser made a proposal that some of the money from the Magna Housing donation be used to fund the production and distribution of a newsletter. Magna Housing’s Logo would appear on this newsletter to show the company’s link with the branch. The Chairman and Service Secretary stated their support for this proposal.

  12. Standard Bearer’s Report: Absent.

  13. Correspondence: 81st Annual County Conference booklet, County Newsletter and a copy of a letter from Mrs Lavery to Mr Webb of Magna Housing.

  14. AOB: None.

Meeting Closed: 19:23hrs.

The next meeting will be held on: Thursday 7th February at 19:00hrs.

Events Coordinator’s notes

  1. Diary dates 2008:

    1. Monday 19th May 1930 Woodmead Hall: Annual Quiz

    2. Sunday November 2nd. 1930 Marine Theatre: Festival of Remembrance.

    3. Saturday 8th November: HMS Formidable 1030
      Polish Memorial 1100

    1. Sunday 9th November: Remembrance Parade 1430.

    2. Tuesday 11th November: War Memorial 1100

    3. ( Poppy Appeal street collection Friday 31stOct/Sat 1st Nov.)

2) Visit to National Forces War Memorial

This needs careful consideration owing to the costs involved. I have had three quotes all roughly the same at £700 for a 53 seater coach. This would mean a full coach and £15 per person. The high cost is owing to the necessity of two drivers owing to the distance involved (roughly a 3 hour journey each way).

  1. Medals

I have recently been in touch with the MOD Medal Office based at RAF Innsworth in Gloucestershire. This is now the joint service office dealing with all enquiries to do with medals. They tell me there are over 200 enquiries per week from WW2 veterans about medal entitlements. After a fair bit of form filling I found out I was entitled to LSGC medals I was unaware of. I have all the contact details should any member also wish to enquire. Just as an indication of their efficiency, I have now received my late grandfather’s WW2 defence medal (for my father) as he was demobbed before he received it!

Thursday 7 February 2008

Agenda 7th February 2008

Saturday 2 February 2008

Royal British Legion County Newsletter February 2008

If any member has not received a newsletter please advise me Ken Whetlor Chairman and I will see that you are sent one