Thursday 6 October 2011

Minutes Of The General Meeting Of The Lyme Regis Branch. Held At The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis, 06 October 2011 At 19:00 Hrs.

Minutes Of The General Meeting Of The Lyme Regis Branch.
Held At The Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis,
06 October 2011 At 19:00 Hrs.


Not recorded.


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Not recorded.

Chairman’s Opening Remarks:

Not recorded.

Minutes of the Last Meeting:

Not recorded.

Matters Arising:

Not recorded.

Additions to the Agenda.


Vice Chairman’s Report.

  • Golden Jubilee Meeting held this September, The idea of a parade was given the go ahead, also lots of individual events taking place, there are up to 50 different organisations wishing to take part. There will be a RBL National parade. There is a meeting on the 10/10/11; the Vice Chairman is unable to attend so Ania Driver will attend for the RBL.
  • Festival of Remembrance. 05/11/11 Woodmead hall. There will be no advertisement campaign as the cost is too prohibitive; a self-promotion scheme is to take place, with members to encourage as many people as possible to attend. The Standard bearer is available for this and all events during Remembrance.
  • Diary Date change. 12/11/11 HMS Formidable. Parade 1015hrs. Ceremony 1030hrs then moves to Polish War memorial for 1100hrs.
  • Remembrance Parade. 13/11/11. Issue about road closures, not yet confirmed by Police if they will do it. The Vice Chairman is awaiting a reply. If the Police do not do it then there will be an emergency meeting to resolve the issue.
  • Junior band, the junior band is closing down; they will do their utmost to provide on the 13/11/11. VC suggested if needs be just a drum. The Town band is willing to play the National Anthem for the dismissal. Serious consideration for next year must be given now.
  • Order of Service. The order of service has been revised on Church and RBL guidelines; the new service now complies with both sets of guidelines. The Church has asked if the RBL will pay for re-printing, which is not possible. The Church has said if they pay can some money from the collection then go to the Church and the Poppy Appeal (no % specified), it would need to be absolutely clear that if this were to happen then the collection money will go to the church and the Poppy appeal. Changes instigated by the Church not the RBL. Martin Jones offered to provide 500-1000 Black and White, two sided, folded copies, for no charge. The Church has displayed very little sense of urgency in this matter.

Honorary Secretary’s Report.

Not present.

Honorary Treasurer’s Report:

The Branch holds:
Current Account
Branch Funds at Head Office

This report reflects the transfer of £300 from the Current Account to the HO Deposit.
The Head Office funds will be about £80 higher but I have not yet received notification of the of the exact amount of the fourth quarter's interest
Annual return time, branch’s turn over less than 30 thousand pounds, property less than 20 thousand pounds. There is a new system for the handover of authority to disclose information to the welfare chairman. Branch returns have to be in by the 30/11/11.

Welfare Chairman’s Report.

Not recorded.

Welfare Secretary’s Report.


Poppy Appeal Organiser’s Report.

License obtained, prizes for raffle on FoR night have been sourced.

Recruitment Advisor’s Report:

  • Before I give my report may I draw your attention to the last minutes from the meeting held 01 September 2011 Page 4 Future Meetings the Secretary reminded the meeting he would be unable to attend this meeting, it is just some of you are unsure as to why the Secretary is not here.
  • Sadly one member has died since the last meeting. Mr Raymond David Hallett who's funeral service took place on 6th September at St Michaels church.
  • On a positive note I have recruited 3 members since the last meeting taking the membership from 184 to 186.
    107 members pay by Direct Debit
    77 Members pay by Cash
    2 members are Life members.

Legion Badges

  • I have £55:00 and 9 Legion badges.
  • Whilst at Bride Valleys 75th Anniversary celebrations I was approached by the Bride Valley Chairman, the County Parade Marshal, and the County Chairman, and asked about the whereabouts of our Standard bearer as they were told he would be attending, Mr Chairman do you know the reason why he was not there.

Monthly Draw

October Winners

£10:00 Mr M Caesor
£5:00 Mr M Kirkby

Standard Bearer’s Activities:

The Chairman will ask and see if the Bearer will go to the AGM. If he does not turn up then a re -election will take place.

Any Other Business:

Festival of Remembrance set up 05/11/11 1000hrs Woodmead hall.

Future Meetings:

03/11/11 Committee meeting 1900hrs
24/11/11 AGM 1930Hhrs

Meeting Closed: at:

Not recorded.

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